Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 3 Tokyo - TV Tropes (2025)

Nagano Prefecture, Police Hospital, 9:04 a.m.

The scene opens with Ichijo waking up in the hospital as he remembers Yusuke fighting from the night before and telling him to look at his transformation. As he gets up, it’s revealed that he’s bandaged on his chest and has an IV in his arm. He grabs a note from Yusuke on the side table near the bed, which reads “I have an important appointment, so I will return temporarily to Tokyo, but will be back tonight.” Yusuke’s note promises that he will tackle this problem properly, with no screwing around. As Ichijo finishes reading the note, he crumples it.

Tokyo Station, Platform 20, 11:16 a.m.

Yusuke and Sakurako get off the subway, and Yusuke comments that it’s been a while since he last visited Tokyo. Sakurako denies Yusuke’s request to go to the school cafe in order to translate some of the characters on the Arcle, saying that she wants to get home.

Tokyo, Shibuya, 11:28 a.m.

A Gurongi taking human form—later identified as Me-Garume-Re—is see walking among a crowd in the middle of Shibuya.

Nagano Prefecture Police, 00:49 p.m.

Ichijo meets with Ebisawa, claiming that he is okay when he is asked about his health. Ebisawa comments that they got a police dog in order to track down #3, as Ichijo requested; but when it arrived at the scene, the dog had panicked and attacked Ebisawa. The older officer comments that he thinks that they might be aliens.

Tokyo, Shinjuku, 00:54 p.m.

Another Gurongi—Zu-Zain-Da—watches the trains and motor vehicles in Tokyo, and becomes visibly uncomfortable with the noise and sensations they give off. Eventually, he screams in rage.

Toyoshima-ku, Wakaba Daycare, 1:22 p.m.

Yusuke arrives at the daycare where his sister works, and is promptly swarmed by small children. His sister, Minori, follows them, and Yusuke comments that she has cut her hair. Yusuke goes inside, and juggles for the children as they applaud.

Nagano Prefecture Police, Analysis Department, 1:52 p.m.

One of the researchers explains to Ichijo that while they have not yet succeeded in analyzing Unidentified Lifeform #1's body or thread, they have the results from the blood analysis, including the closest match. Ichijou asks if the match is spider's blood. The researcher answers negatively: spiders don't have red blood cells, which were present in #1's blood. Rather, #1's blood matches the composition of human blood.

Nagano Prefecture Police, Audiovisual Room, 1:46 p.m.

This information is shared in a police conference, which leaves the Nagano police chief troubled. The researcher posits that these Unidentified Lifeforms, while not strictly human, can possibly be a powerful species that is similar to humans. With 27 victims thus far and more expected in light of reports from surrounding prefectures, the Chief decides to review the Unidentified Lifeforms that have been confirmed up to this point. He boots up a projector with Unidentified Lifeform #1, the spider-like mutant who is confirmed dead; Unidentified Lifeform #2, which is Kuuga in his Growing Form; and Unidentified Lifeform #3, the bat-like mutant which was caught on camera fighting Unidentified Lifeform #4 (Kuuga's Mighty form). The Chief designates the Unidentified Lifeform that first attacked the researchers as #0. Altogether with two other Lifeforms caught on camera, there is a total of seven Unidentified Lifeforms on record. The Chief then requests that all Kantou police be warned about the Unidentified Lifeforms, but to keep it and the surrounding investigations a secret from the public. He then orders that if one is spotted, the police should shoot to kill. Since normal handguns don't injure them, he has already armed Nagano Police's special unit with automatic and submachine guns, as well as sniper rifles. Ichijo interjects, saying that Unidentified Lifeforms #2 and #4 should be exempt from the target list, saying that they saved him, but cannot confirm it when the Chief requests proof.

After leaving the conference room, Ichijo calls the number on the card Yusuke gave him, but is directed to the phone of the restaurant "Pore Pore". After a moment, he dials Sakurako instead, which goes to her phone's voicemail due to her being asleep. Ichijo leaves a message, requesting her to tell Yusuke to stay away from Nagano.

The scene shifts back to Yusuke and Minori at the Daycare. Yusuke tells her that he believes that many things are going to happen in Nagano in the future, and Minori comments that if it’s him saying it, that it must be true. She gives him advice as he leaves.

Nagano Prefecture Police, Underground Parking Lot, 3:05 p.m.

As Ichijo enters his car, one of the police force members tells him to come with him, in order to show him the TryChaser 2000 instructional video. Ichijo leaves a moment into it, stating that he already knew how to use it when he saw it in development, and needs to leave because he wants to take out Unidentified Lifeform #3.

Tokyo Ikebukuro, 3:32 p.m.

A third Gurongi in human form—Zu-Badzu-Ba—is seen in the city, and is overwhelmed once again by the city—specifically by all the money and transactions that his senses perceive.

Tokyo, Bunkyou-ku, 3:41 p.m.

Yusuke arrives at the locked Pore Pore, and remembers that he lost his keys in the church fire. So he decides to climb into the building instead. A local biking by comments that it's been a long time since he saw Yusuke scale the building, but Yusuke says that he'll be back in Nagano at the end of the day.

Nagano-shi, 4:10 p.m.

Ichijo gets a call from Kameyama asking where he is, and he says that he wants to finish off Unidentified Lifeform #3 before the next one appears. Kameyama says that he can't believe Unidentified Lifeform #4 saved him. As Ichijou hangs up, Ra-Baruba-De bumps into him, and mutters something[[notelabel:Translation]]"You reek..."[[/notelabel]] in the Gurongi language as she walks away. Ichijo runs after her, holds up his badge, and asks her about what she just said. After remaining silent for several seconds, she shoves him on the ground and flees. Ichijo chases her, and nearly loses her when a swarm of rose petals flies at him.

Ra-Baruba-De then arrives at an abandoned warehouse and finds Unidentified Lifeform #3, Zu-Gooma-Gu. Ichijou finds them and hides, watching. They then talk in their unusual language, with Ra-Baruba-De commenting that he has fought with Kuuga. Gooma brags that he almost killed Kuuga. Unimpressed, Baruba grabs his forehead, sprouting vines from her fingers, to Ichijou's shock.

Tokyo, Bunkyou-ku, 5:03 p.m.

Four Gurongi (Zu-Badzu-Ba, Me-Garume-Re, Zu-Zain-Da, and Zu-Mebio-Da) meet up, each holding one of Ra-Baruba-De’s rose petals. They are confronted by two motorcyclists, who try to antagonize them. One of them, noticing Zu-Mebio-Da, makes sexual remarks and slaps her thigh. She responds by kicking him into the ceiling, killing him and terrifying the other guy into fleeing. She then pursues the motorcyclist, as the other three Gurongi watch.

The scene shifts back to Ra-Baruba-De, who releases Gooma, and orders him to go to the "Linto" dwelling of Tokyo, which she says is where the other Gurongi are gathered. As this happens, Ichijo watches them, and as he prepares to shoot them, his phone rings, alerting the pair to his presence. His shot grazes Gooma's cheek, which quickly heals. Baruba orders him to release Ichijou, as they have more important matters. Begrudgingly, Gooma shoves Ichijou against a pillar, further injuring him. The two then walk away, and Ichijo answers his phone, which is the police department alerting him to a strange shadow spotted on the highway on the way to Tokyo.

Bunkyou-ku, Near Myougatani Station, 5:45 p.m.

Yusuke is seen running to catch the subway, but is distracted by the sound of a motorcycle crashing. When he runs toward the noise, he sees Zu-Mebio-Da slowly approaching a motorcyclist.

The scene shifts, to Ichijo receiving a call from Sakurako, who wasn't able to reach Yusuke in order to tell him to avoid Tokyo.

Yusuke then tries to fight the Gurongi, but since he had not yet transformed, is greatly outmatched. The police try to find the Unidentified Lifeform, with the order to shoot to kill transmitted to the Tokyo police.

Yusuke then transforms into Mighty Form just before the police approach the scene. The police are then ordered to take aim at Yusuke.

Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 3 Tokyo - TV Tropes (2025)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.